Our XTRA-LOK’s are manufactured primarily for Commercial Roller Doors/Shutters, however they are also suitable for domestic applications ie. Roller Doors, Tilt Doors, Panel Lift etc.
We have been manufacturing our XTRA-LOK now since 1999. Locksmiths, Security and Insurance companies regard them very highly, as do all that have used them. As far as roller door security goes, we have designed a product second to none. For construction please see our XTRA-LOK technical information.
Our XTRA-LOK’s have stood the test now since 1999 and in that time there have been several break-in attempts on them. More than thirty commercial doors that we know, have been rammed, in an attempt at ram-raiding (XTRA-LOK’s were not designed to stop a ram-raid, but have done so on all occasions that we are aware of to date). Other would be thieves have tried to lever doors up, and all the XTRA-LOK’s have done their job and we have testimonial letters from happy customers. You can see photos of the rammed doors on the XTRA-LOK brochure.
XTRA-LOK Domestic Application
XTRA-LOK’s are excellent security for that flimsy domestic roller door, behind which is your pride and joy, or as in most cases these days an access door into your house. Even if your door is electric, an XTRA-LOK is piece of mind at night or when away on holiday. It is becoming all to common these days that thieves break in through your roller door, close it behind them, load up the contents of your house and garage, open the roller door again and drive off, often unnoticed, and often in your car loaded up.
XTRA-LOK Commercial Application
XTRA-LOK’s are a must have for commercial roller doors/shutters. As commercial and industrial areas are so isolated, no one hears or rarely sees break-ins. You may have an alarm but it should be your last line of security. Thieves often circumvent alarms, or if not, an alarm won’t stop them, it will only make them aware they have limited time. Thieves usually expect an alarm and most businesses have one. Often thieves test your alarm, watch the response time of the security company or yourself, and then break-in at a later date. They are broken into none the less alarm or not, at an “alarming” rate.
The best security is to try to stop them, or at least use up all available time while the alarm is sounding and alerting your monitoring company. Many people are of the opinion that “well, I only live 5 minutes away”. In 5 minutes thieves can be in, out and long gone, causing you more grief than it’s worth. You’ll be left with no choice but to replace items, claim your insurance, pay higher premiums later and then there is the potential loss of business or data.
XTRA-LOK’s are the best security for stopping intruders breaking in thru the roller door. If someone does get in other than thru the roller door, once in, opening your roller door is the easiest way for them to empty your premises. Once again XTRA-LOK’s will stop or at least slow them, and use up that limited window of opportunity the thief has by making them leave the way they came in.
Many people are under the misconception that taking the chain used to raise & lower the door & locking it to the wall is going to lock the door down. WRONG! On most doors the pulley at the top that the chain goes around is made of plastic, and no doubt many people have experienced that chain slipping while trying to raise the door. It is exactly the same when using it to lock the door down. What chance would the chain have if someone slipped a bar under the door and levered up? None! Even the more heavy duty doors/shutters can concertina up when levered!
Many companies put security screens or bars on windows and doors and totally forget about their roller doors, leaving the roller door as the weakest easiest entry point for a thief. Another advantage of XTRA-LOK security is that if you secure your building and make it difficult for would be thieves, they will go elsewhere, which may be unfortunate for someone else but good for you.
The product comes complete with hardened tamper resistant concrete fixings and 4 cup head bolts.